Spiritual Leaders Needed

Humanity is in the process of committing Ecological Suicide.  The accelerating destruction to our life support system—principally our soil, water, air, forests, biodiversity, ocean life, etc.—tell us unequivocally that our behaviors are out of balance with the rest of nature.  And however much, or little, these have been featured by our media, we have not as of yet changed the course of even one of these threats to our survival. Our information tells us that we’re destroying our life support system, yet we can’t help ourselves.  Surprisingly enough, we already know most of the solutions—beget fewer children, consume less and more efficiently, promote societies and cultures that embrace these values.  What we have is a problem not of knowledge, but of wisdom.  We need—and perhaps because of crisis we are ready—for the help of those who have devoted their lives to wisdom—the spiritual teachers of the various perennial traditions.  The scientists have done their job—they have said time and again that we are poised in a time of great crisis.  The political, military and business leaders are as caught in the sticky web of inertia as much as is the general population.  It is now up to the spiritual leaders to fill in the great vacuum. 


Technology Can’t Save Us


Spiritual Leaders Must Now Lead